Sugar Cookies

With Spring in the air and Easter just around the corner, I have decided to try something new.  I have made some yummy basic Sugar Cookies, 

Linzer Cookies

Hi, I hope you are having a wonderful week.  Today I am sharing a yummy recipe for Linzer Cookies.

Rice Krispie Treats

Hi, so it is nearly Valentines Day and I wanted to do something really easy that does not take up much time and looks cute too, so I decided to do some Rice Krispie Treats.

Sheet Cake Cookies

Hi, today I am sharing a recipe for Sheet Cake Cookies.  I thought this was quite a good idea and wanted to share it with you 🙂

Chocolate and Pistachio Cookies

Hi, today I am sharing this delicious recipe for Chocolate and Pistachio Cookies from a lovely book called Honey and Co: The Baking Book.

Lemon Curd Biscuits

These Lemon Curd Biscuits are really easy and very tasty.  Homemade biscuits /cookies are just the best, don’t you think?

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