
Hello, I hope you had a lovely weekend.  Today I am sharing a recipe for Brioche.

Delicious Garlic Bread

Hi, today I am sharing an easy recipe – Delicious Garlic Bread that tastes wonderful, it’s slightly different to the normal garlic bread thanks to the addition of basil.

Herbes de Provence Bread

Hi, I hope you have had a lovely day.  Today I am sharing a delicious Herbes de Provence Bread recipe.

Margherita Pizza

Sometimes the simplest of recipes are the best.  A basic Margherita Pizza is so easy to make with such few ingredients and the process of making and eating it will surely put a smile on your face.

Multi Seed Bread

I have been wanting to make a Multi Seed Bread for quite a while now, I did try one but it did not turn out so well and most of it ended up in the bin.  However this Multi Seed Bread has gone down really well.

Delicious Monkey Bread

If you like a pancakes or a simple donut with cinnamon and sugar, you must give this Delicious Monkey Bread a try!

Fried Radicchio Calzone

If you are wanting to cook something this weekend but are not sure what, give these Fried Radicchio Calzone a try.  They may be a bit time consuming but well worth the effort.

Fried Mozzarella Sandwich (Mozzarella in Carrozza)

Mozzarella in Carrozza is a dish from Naples and when translated it literally means Mozzarella in a carriage.  I am sure once you have made this fried mozzarella sandwich you will be making it more than once.

Cheesy Speck and Walnut Bread Rolls

This bread is an all in one bread, a meal on its own.  If you are tired of making yourself a sandwich why not give this a try, it has loads of flavour and is super delicious.

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