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Hi, how are you this week? Today I am sharing Pea Hummus, that is really easy and great for summer the time 🙂

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I don’t think that there is much that is easier that making Hummus as a starter or just to have as a meal or kept in the fridge for those moments that you feel a little hungry.  I love the addition of the peas in this Pea Hummus.

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You really don’t have to think about much when making this, the ingredients are very common and if you are like me, they are normally in my draw and freezer.

I find that, as easy as this Peas Hummus is, it is also very inexpensive and the flavour is wonderful.

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You can serve this with what ever you wish to, some cut carrots would be great or you can serve it with bread stick or some seeded bread like myself.  But if you just have some plain water biscuits or some sort of crackers in you cupboard, just use those, they will be perfect 🙂

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I hope you are able to give this a try, you wont be sorry 🙂  Add the lemon as needed, so test as you go while you are blending the Pea Hummus.  I like my hummus to have a bit of texture so if you are wanting some texture be careful not to over blend.  However if you prefer it to be smoother blend away 🙂

Have a great week and I hope that you have some cooler weather than us, we are in the mid to high 30ties… … too hot!  The kitchen becomes a sauna when I turn the oven on 🙂

I hope you enjoy xx

(recipe inspired and adapted for an Italian magazine: Alice May 2016)

Pea Hummus

  • 200 g frozen peas (defrosted)
  • 400 g tin chickpeas (drained and washed)
  • 1/2 tablespoon tahini
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • handful parsley
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • juice of 1/2 – 1 lemon
  • salt and pepper
  1. Using a hand blender, blend the chickpeas, half the defrosted peas, clove of garlic, olive oil, tahini, parsley, some salt and pepper and some lemon juice.
  2. Taste the hummus dip, add pepper and salt as needed and some lemon juice to taste. Give another quick blend and have another little taste.
  3. Once you have the seasoning correct add the remaining peas and give another quick blend.
  4. Don’t over blend the hummus, unless you are wanting it to be smooth.

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