Pea Ricotta Bruschetta

Hi, I hope you are having a great day.  Today I am sharing an easy Pea Ricotta Bruschetta.

Pea Hummus

Hi, how are you this week? Today I am sharing Pea Hummus, that is really easy and great for summer the time 🙂

5 Minute Summer Melon Salad

Hi, I hope you  are having a lovely day.  Today I am sharing a really easy 5 Minute Summer Melon Salad.

Asparagus Ricotta Tart

Hi, I am ending the week with a yummy Asparagus Ricotta Tart.  I love to eat savoury tarts with some salad when the weather is warm.

Spinach Ricotta Baguette

As it is quite chilly outside I prefer to eat warm food for lunch, I saw these stuffed spinach baguettes and wanted to give them a try, it is such a great alternative to a sandwich.

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