5-Layer Chocolate Cake-5

I hope you had a good week, today I am sharing a 5-Layer Chocolate Cake.  I set my self a challenge with this cake as it looked so good.

5-Layer Chocolate Cake-4

I bought this book called – Indulgent Cakes (The Australian Women’s Weekly) as it looked great and had good reviews too.  The pictures in this book are wonderful and make all the cakes look amazing and really entice you to bake.

This is the first cake I have made from the book, it was quite a challenge and I decided to make it over 2 days as that is an option offered.

5-Layer Chocolate Cake-2

I have learn’t a lot from making this cake but the big question is … was it worth?  The answer is yes and no.

I would not say that it is a difficult cake to make but just time consuming.  The overall taste of the cake did not blow my mind.   I did the bottom 2 layers on 1 day which was easy and the the next day I did the last 3.  If I had known that the jelly would take so long to set I would have done that on the first day too.  However, I don’t know as I think the jelly was still too soft for this cake i am not sure if it was my gelatine that was different or just using more may have solved the problem, i’m not sure.  I also found that the final layer – the glaze of this cake way too hard as the mousse and jelly layer oozed out when trying to cut the cake.

5-Layer Chocolate Cake

However with the above said I do not regret making the cake as I did learn from it and it is getting eaten which is good 🙂

This recipe can be found here – Five-layer chocolate espresso cake .  I have decided not to write it out as I could not do any better and I may end up confusing you 🙂

The only thing that I changed was that I used greek yoghurt in place of the sour cream.

I also did not do step 7 – well I did attempt it but it did not come out quite right, so instead I had some egg whites in the fridge and thought I might attempt to make some meringues. With Valentines day on Sunday I decide to have a little play around, the way I decorated the cake is not amazing but I had fun with the meringues and colour 🙂

Let me know If you have tried a multi layer cake and how you felt about it.

Have a great weekend xx

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