Autumn has arrived and its one of my favourite seasons, the temperature outside is beautiful and you can actually be comfortable, not hot and bothered.  One of the best things is that soup making can start.  The other reason for my love of autumn is for the majestic colours that come about in nature.

So what Fruits and Vegetables are in season:

Apples, Aubergine, Beetroot, Butternut Squash, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Cavolo Nero, Celeriac, Celery, Globe Artichoke, Kale, Leeks, Medlars, Onions, Parsnip, Pears, Plums, Prunes, Pumpkin, Purple sprouting broccoli, Spinach, Turnip

Here is what I was able to pick up at my supermarket.


Autumn Fruits and Vetebales

Italian Prune Plums

These were something new for me so I quickly grabbed some and I was so happy that I did.  I decided to make some chocolate brownies with these and oh my they were so tasty.


Autumn Fruits and Vetebales

Corn on the Cob

Sadly these are not around long enough but they are one of my favourite. I love putting them on the braai (barbecue), I don’t even get time to put anything on it as they are fantastic as is, biting into them and getting the sweet burst of flavour in you mouth makes getting pieces stuck between your teeth so worth while.


Autumn Fruits and Vetebales


Life without onions would not be possible!  The sweet flavour they give off when they are slowly cooked is very rewarding, onion soup in definitely on the menu.


Autumn Fruits and Vetebales

Brussel Sprouts

Maybe not everyones favourite but roast in the oven with a little oil drizzle over and some fresh rosemary, served with a creamy bacon sauce may make you change your mind.


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