Delicious Garlic Bread-6

Hi, today I am sharing an easy recipe – Delicious Garlic Bread that tastes wonderful, it’s slightly different to the normal garlic bread thanks to the addition of basil.

 Delicious Garlic Bread

The bread I have used for this recipe was in my previous post – Herbes de Provence Bread however any bread of your choice can be used.  If you like your garlic bread to be very garlicky I suggest you add some more and that also go for the chilli flakes 🙂


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The original recipe for this Delicious Garlic Bread can  be read on a blog called Kitchen Konfidence and here is the link to the post OMG Garlic Bread  it is well worth a look at. I reworked Brandon’s  garlic bread in a slightly different way, I think is going to be my go to garlic bread from now on 🙂  Pop over and have a look at his blog its wonderful and some really fantastic ideas and photos.

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I have given you an estimated number on the slices of bread as this will also depend on the size of bread you are using.  This Delicious Garlic bread is really worth a try and and making extra of the garlic spread would not go to waste.

I hope you have a great day and enjoy xx

Delicious Garlic Bread

Recipes of My Art


  • 8 garlic cloves peeled
  • 80 g butter
  • basil - a good handful
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • chilli flakes
  • 40 g parmesan cheese grated
  • pinch of salt
  • 6 slices of Herbes of Provence Bread or other bread of your choice


  • Place the butter and garlic in a small pot on a low to medium heat. Cook the garlic until soft, if it is browning before it is soft turn the head down a bit, cook for about 15 minutes stirring occasionally.
  • Once the garlic is soft, place in a heatproof bowl to cool.
  • Grill the bread on both sides, until they are starting to turn golden.
  • Place the basil, parmesan, salt and lemon zest in the bowl with the butter and garlic. Using a stick blender blitz it all together and then mix in a couple of pinches of chilli flakes.
  • Spread the mixture over the grilled bread and place it back under the grill until the top is starting to golden.
  • Allow to cool a bit and serve.



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