Fried Mozzarella Sandwich (Mozzarella in Carrozza)-3

Mozzarella in Carrozza is a dish from Naples and when translated it literally means Mozzarella in a carriage.  I am sure once you have made this fried mozzarella sandwich you will be making it more than once.

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This recipe is very flexible and it also depends a bit on the size of your bread and your preferences. I have given suggested amounts at the end but the recipe is very flexible and easy, so go with what fits into your bread.

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I added normal mozzarella and bacon to mine but buffalo mozzarella and anchovies are often used here in Italy.  Don’t worry about buying the best mozzarella, use whatever you have it will still be lovely, warm and stringy 🙂

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The easiest way to make the mozzarella sandwich is to set up and assembly line of your: flour, milk and egg mixture.  Once your sandwich is read you will place the sandwich edges into the flour then into the milk, then back into the flour and then finally placing the whole sandwich into the egg mixture.

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Any bread can be used and if you have an bread that is a few days old and stale use that it will work perfectly.  I would not make this with really fresh bread as it is more likely to fall apart when it is dipped into the milk and eggs.

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Its best to keep the mozzarella slices smaller than the bread as this will prevent it from oozing out while cooking.

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The oil can be changed to what you prefer it will just have a slightly different taste at the end.  I added enough oil so it would reach the second piece of bread when immersed in the oil.

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Once again its a bit difficult to give precise amounts so just keep going until you have used up your ingredients and just remember that: the mozzarella must not be hanging out of the sandwich and the dipping process (flour, milk, flour then the egg mixture) and I’m sure you will have a fantastic sandwich at the end 🙂

I hope you enjoy xx

Fried Mozzarella Sandwich (Mozzarella in Carrozza)

Recipes of My Art
Servings 2 Sandwiches


  • 70 g Mozzarella
  • 2 eggs
  • flour
  • 200 ml Milk
  • 2 slices of bacon
  • 4 slices of bread
  • salt and pepper
  • Vegetable oil for frying


  • Cut the crust of your bread and place the mozzarella and bacon or your preferred filling between the two slices of bread and season with salt and pepper.
  • Precook the bacon and set aside.
  • Heat up the oil, you want the oil to be hot but not steaming.
  • While the oil is heating up, get the assembly line ready. Flour, 150ml milk and 2 eggs mixed with 50ml of milk beaten together.
  • Take the sandwich and dip all the sides about 1cm deep into the flour, then the same in the milk and then back into the flour again. Then take the whole sandwich and place it into the egg mixture and then place it in the hot oil.
  • Cook until golden brown on each side, remove and place it onto some kitchen towel.


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