Fried Radicchio Calzone-2

If you are wanting to cook something this weekend but are not sure what, give these Fried Radicchio Calzone a try.  They may be a bit time consuming but well worth the effort.

Fried Radicchio Calzone-19

Any onions can be used.  Make sure that you don’t cut up the walnut too small.

Fried Radicchio Calzone-18

For the Pastry

350g Plain flour
5 tablespoons olive oil
180ml cold water
a good pinch of salt

Combine all the ingredients together, either by hand or in a mixer.  It is quite a tough dough, once complete place some clingfilm around the dough and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Fried Radicchio Calzone-17

Fried Radicchio Calzone-16

You may need to roll your dough out a little bit again before you place the filling on top again as it may have shrunk back a little bit, the  circle of dough should be about 12cm in diameter.  The lighter colour around the edge on the picture above is where I place the water.

Fried Radicchio Calzone-15

Don’t worry about getting all your circles the exact same size, I would say that the thickness of the dough is more important.  You can seal the dough however you wish 🙂 just make sure there aren’t any holes as the cheese will leak out when cooking.

Fried Radicchio Calzone-10

I fried two at a time as it is easier to turn them and look after them as they cook quite quickly.

Fried Radicchio Calzone-7

Fried Radicchio Calzone-4

You can make the dough and the filling the day before and then just cut, roll and fill the calzone on the day.
These went down very well in our house, we even had a ‘fight’ over the last one which we ended up halving.

I hope you have a lovely weekend xx

Fried Radicchio Calzone

Recipes of My Art


  • 500 g Radicchio shredded
  • 80 g Gorgonzola
  • 100 g bacon roughly sliced along the width
  • 50 g walnuts roughly chopped
  • 2-3 three shallots roughly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 quantity of pastry from above
  • oil for frying about 400ml


  • Heat up 1 tablespoon of olive oil then add the onions and cook until soft then add the bacon to the onions. Once the bacon is cooked place the onions and the bacon in a bowl.
  • Add another table spoon of olive oil (if needed) to the same pan, place the radicchio in the pan with the balsamic vinegar and some salt and pepper and cook for a few minutes until soft. Once cooked mix it together with the onions and bacon and allow to cool completely.
  • Roll out the pastry (use a little flour on your surface when needed) till about 1cm thick and with a pastry cutter (I used a 6cm one) cut out some circles, bring the dough back together and repeat until all the dough has been used up.
  • Once you have got all your circles cut out roll each circle to about 1mm - 1.5mm thick.
  • Place a bit of the radicchio filling in the middle of one circle, the a bit of gorgonzola and then some walnuts on top. To seal the dough, with your finger use a bit of water to wet around the circle, then slightly stretch the dough over filling and pinch the dough together. Continue until all the ingredients are used up.
  • Heat up some oil on a medium heat in a small to medium pot and fry each calzone for about 2 minutes, until golden brown. Remove and place on some kitchen towel.


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