Whole Wheat Pasta with Brussels Sprouts and Gorgonzola-4

Hi, I hope you are having a good week so far.  Today I am sharing with you Whole Wheat Pasta with Brussels Sprouts and Gorgonzola topped off with some bacon and walnuts.

Whole Wheat Pasta with Brussels Sprouts and Gorgonzola

I decided to use whole wheat pasta for this recipe but any type of pasta will do 🙂 If you would like to make it more creamier, mix half the gorgonzola or all of it with some of the pasta water so it become more like a sauce and mix that through when you add the pasta to the pan.  You could also go all out and use cream too, have a little play around and see what you come up with, I would love to hear your creations.

If the pasta is looking a little dry once up have added it to the brussels sprouts drizzle a tiny dash of olive oil over the pasta and when added the pepper don’t be shy.

Whole Wheat Pasta with Brussels Sprouts and Gorgonzola-3

If you are very hungry this recipe will do for two of you however if you are not so hungry and serving something else before of after this dish there will be enough for 3 – 4 of you.

I hope you enjoy xx

Whole Wheat Pasta with Brussel Sprouts and Gorgonzola

Recipes of My Art
Servings 2 - 3


  • 350 g brussels sprouts cut into quarters
  • 1 small onion diced
  • 4 strips of bacon
  • 40 g gorgonzola broken up in pieces
  • 20 g walnuts roughly chopped
  • 160 g whole wheat pasta or your chosen pasta
  • salt and pepper
  • olive oil


  • Bring a medium pot of water to the boil then add the brussels sprouts and cook for 2 - 3 minutes.
  • In a large pan on a medium to high heat cook the bacon until crispy. Remove from the pan leaving all the juices in the pan add the onions and cook until nice and soft, if the pan seems a little dry add a dash of olive oil.
  • Remove the brussels sprouts using a slotted spoon or a small sieve and add them to the onions and sautĂ© until they have some colour on them or are cooked, add a tiny bit of salt if needed.
  • Bring the water that the brussels sprouts back to the boil, add some salt and top up with a bit of water if needed. Cook the pasta as per instructions but 1 - 2 minutes before it is finished remove from the pot with the sieve or slotted spoon and add to the brussels sprouts. Break up the bacon into small piece and sprinkle over the pasta (keep a bit aside to serve with) and give it a good mix then add the gorgonzola and 2 - 3 tablespoons of the pasta water and give another good mix. Mix through some walnuts and check the seasoning and add some black pepper.
  • Once the pasta is cooked serve with a little sprinkle of bacon and walnuts over the top.


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